Open Source Full body movement midi controller
Upcycling iPhones 4 and/or 5 to a powerful midi-controller as new interface for musical and dance performance expression (NIME/NIMPE):
Full body movements control music instruments and effects in Ableton Live. One finger point does the trick.
The DIY-Hard- and Software developed by MONSTERFRAU together with Martin Moser was an important step towards the iPhoneCostume. Wearing five tilt sensors, three buttons, three pads and one endless potentiometer MONSTERFRAU controls music instruments and effects in Ableton Live. All of it wireless. To enable and disable the tilt sensors' data streams MONSTERFRAU is using a Midi-Controller aside from her body.
Wearing two subtle noisemakers and the external control over an electron machinedrum near to your skin means to wear a soundcostume means to appear as sound means to change with your sound means to become the sound.